Diana Verweijen; Next Level Surgery — plastic surgery, obesity, cosmetic gyneacology. 40+ years of experience in mediation and founder of female leadership community 'EmpowHer'

plastic surgery

Whether you opt for a subtle adjustment or an extensive transformation, we're here for you with expertise and care so you can shine inside and out.

At Next Level Surgery, we understand that beauty is an inextricable connection between the outer and the inner self. To take yourself to the next level, you have to make the choice to take good care of yourself and want the best for yourself, every single day.

Our cosmetic procedures are meant to enhance your natural beauty and help you achieve your ideal self in the best way possible.

overweight: a second chance

Take back your power and give yourself a second chance. In addition to a second chance stomach reduction, Next level surgery offers you a second chance in life.

Next level surgery has seen countless individuals transform into completely new people. Not only do they look fitter and healthier after the stomach reduction, they feel lighter in energy and they also radiate that from inside.

Overweight is more than just a physical phenomenon. Customers who have undergone a stomach reduction often find that they are losing a heavy burden. They feel freer, happier and have more energy to get the most out of life.

Give yourself a second chance and schedule a free, no-obligation consultation with one of our specialists.

cosmetic gyneacology

At Next Level Surgery, we understand that your body can change after pregnancy or over the years. Cosmetic gynecology offers a solution for women who feel insecure about the appearance of their noble parts, for example due to changes in the vagina or labia.

Whether it's restoring symmetry, reducing labia that is more outward, or other aesthetic adjustments, we are here for you with understanding and expertise. Your comfort and confidence are our priority. We'd love to help you highlight your natural beauty and restore your confidence.

plastic surgery

breast augmentation

Breast augmentation surgery is a cosmetic procedure where implants are placed in the breasts to make them bigger and fuller. Women often opt for this surgery to increase their confidence or to improve the symmetry of their breasts. It is a popular choice for those who want a fuller bust.

borstlift (met vulling)

If you want to lose weight on your own, you can opt for diet coaching: a counseling program where I guide you to a healthier life. Among other things, I help you develop and maintain a healthy diet. Opting for diet coaching is choosing not only to lose weight, but also to feel fitter and to prevent and cure health problems. I give practical tips regarding nutrition and sports.


Breast reduction surgery removes parts of the breast tissue to make the breasts smaller and lighter. Women often choose this surgery because they suffer from back, neck, or shoulder pain due to the weight of their breasts. It can also help with skin irritations under the breasts and provide a more balanced figure.


A facelift is a cosmetic procedure that tightens the skin on the face to reduce wrinkles and sagging skin. People choose this to look younger and fresher. It can help you have a smoother and more youthful appearance.


Liposuction is a surgical procedure that removes excess fat from certain parts of the body, such as the abdomen, hips, or thighs. People choose liposuction to remove persistent fat deposits that don't respond to diet and exercise. It helps to give the body a toned and better shaped appearance.


Abdominoplasty, also known as a tummy tuck, is an operation that removes excess skin and fat from the abdomen and tightens the abdominal muscles. This procedure is ideal for people who have lost a lot of weight or have a sagging stomach after pregnancy. The result is a tighter and flatter stomach.


This is an operation that adjusts the shape or size of the nose. People often do this because they are dissatisfied with the appearance of their nose, for example a bump on the bridge or a crooked nose. It can also help with breathing problems.

overweight: second chance

stomach reduction (gastric sleeve or bypass)

Stomach reduction surgery is an operation that makes the stomach smaller so you can eat less and fill up more quickly. This helps severely overweight people to lose weight significantly and reduce health problems. The operation is often chosen when other methods of losing weight have not been effective enough.

second chance gastric bypass

This is an operation that reduces the size of the stomach again so that someone can lose weight again if previous methods did not work. Customers choose this if they've tried to lose weight before but failed. It gives them another chance to become healthier by eating less.

gastric band

A gastric band is an adjustable band that is placed around the upper part of the stomach to limit the amount of food you can eat. This ensures that you feel full faster and helps with weight loss. People choose a gastric band as a less invasive option than a stomach reduction, with the option to remove or adjust the band later.

cosmetic gyneacology

clitoral cap correction

In this surgery, the skin around the clitoris is modified for improved sexual comfort or aesthetic reasons. Customers choose this if they have problems with sensitivity or if they feel that the skin around their clitoris is not shaped properly. It can improve their sexual experience and make them feel more confident.


In a labia correction, the inner or outer labia are reduced or shaped. Women often choose this surgery because of physical discomfort such as irritation or pain during exercise or sex. It can also be done for aesthetic reasons to make them feel more confident about their bodies.


This surgery narrows the vaginal opening to increase sexual pleasure or reduce problems such as loss of urine. Customers choose this if they feel that their vagina has become too large after giving birth or due to old age. It can help restore their confidence and intimacy.

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Ik kwam naar de training omdat ik vastzat in mijn eigen angsten. Nu sta ik steviger in mijn schoenen dan ooit. Deze ervaring heeft mijn leven veranderd.
Ik had altijd het gevoel dat mijn angsten me tegenhielden, maar nu weet ik hoe ik ze kan gebruiken als brandstof. De training heeft me niet alleen krachtiger gemaakt, maar ook rust gegeven.
Diana's training heeft me geholpen om door mijn onzekerheid heen te breken. Ik voel me eindelijk vrij om mezelf te zijn en mijn doelen na te streven.
Ik wist niet dat ik zoveel kracht in me had. Deze training liet me zien wat ik écht kan. Het voelde alsof ik opnieuw werd geboren."*
Moeder en coach
De tools en technieken die ik heb geleerd, zijn levensveranderend. Ik gebruik ze elke dag en zie hoe mijn leven in een positieve stroomversnelling komt.
Het is alsof ik mijn leven voor en na de training niet meer herken. Mijn angsten zijn nu mijn kracht geworden."*
De training was intens, maar precies wat ik nodig had. Ik heb geleerd hoe ik mijn negatieve gedachten kan ombuigen en actie kan ondernemen.
Wat ik het meest waardeer, is de steun van de groep. Samen doorbreken we onze angsten en bouwen we aan een beter leven.
Elke sessie bracht me dichter bij mezelf. Ik weet nu wat me tegenhield en heb de kracht om verder te gaan.
Diana weet precies hoe ze je naar je kern kan brengen. Haar aanpak is liefdevol, maar ook confronterend. Precies wat ik nodig had.
Voor het eerst in mijn leven voel ik dat ik het waard ben om voor mezelf te kiezen. Deze training was het mooiste cadeau dat ik mezelf ooit heb gegeven.
Ik kwam naar de training zonder verwachtingen, maar ging weg met een compleet nieuwe mindset. Dit is geen training, dit is een levensreis.
Ik ben 25 kilo afgevallen en heb mijn hele leven opnieuw ingericht. Diana heeft me geholpen om niet alleen gewicht te verliezen, maar ook om mezelf terug te vinden.
Diana’s aanpak werkt echt. Ik ben 29 kilo kwijt en heb eindelijk een gezonde balans gevonden. Dit was een levensveranderende ervaring.
Het afvallen was een mooie bonus, maar wat Diana me écht heeft geleerd is hoe ik goed voor mezelf kan zorgen. Ik ben nu 28 kilo kwijt en voel me gezonder en gelukkiger dan ooit.
Moeder van twee


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